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Help Desk

System Gallery

Connect is the Hobsons CRM used by student affairs staff and faculty.

Site for course survey links and responses.

Timesheets, profile, reports, and more.

Employee paystubs, tax forms, savings plans, learning management, and more

Minnesota State system for booking conference rooms, classrooms, and vehicles.

Information and technical resources for employees 

A way to move files securely within the Minnesota State system.

Online Email Access
Staff and Student E-mail

List of open licensing resources, open textbooks, and open educational resources for faculty

Program-Specific Links
Links to online resources used in various courses at аÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±.

Remote Desktop
Get your work done - online!

Student tracking/reporting system. Note: this is has limited access. Contact Student Services to participate. 

Tutor.com is for students who are taking courses online and cannot come to the Academic Support Center for tutoring help. .